Push To Win

Do away with that cliché, I’ve brought with me the new way to play. It’s as easy as the violin, all you have to do is Push to Win!


Do away with that cliché, I’ve brought with me the new way to play. It’s as easy as the violin, all you have to do is Push to Win!

Case Study
How to Play

Case Study

Our proprietary multiplayer technology allows players to participate from any device! Mobile, laptop, desktop, console: maximize your audience.

With Push to Win we wanted to not only test multiplayer gaming experiences with Microgames, but also add character selection screens, tons of animations & effects. We wanted to stress test how far Microgames can go with current mobile browser technologies. 

The success is overwhelmingly positive! We found that users’ mobile devices not only can play detail-rich games like Push to Win, but that 8 players can compete in real-time.


“Press the 1 key and the W button while holding down the right shoulder and the left stick to the right…” Dang, lost again! Pijamasaur wasn’t haven’t any of this anymore. The game was so complicated that Bopple & Flyppe had fallen asleep, Zorp passed out, Captain Novolis frowned, and Mollusc Daddy looked on with anger. “There has to be a better way!”

Pijamasaur was ready to throw the controller aside forever, but a sudden flash enveloped the room. Color poured out of the screen, and Blink, the magical gaming pixie, materialized in front of them: “Do away with that cliché! I’ve brought with me the new way to play!” And with a wave of her star-capped wand, Blink let her magic loose. Pijamasaur gasped, as his 43-button Master Puma Controller Extraordinaire™ with patented Spring-Loaded Triggers and a (now empty) Deluxe Cupcake Dispenser, transformed in front of his very eyes. 

The buttons flew off with a pop, the controller adjusted shape with a zap, all that was left was a giant green button, pleasantly glowing. “Now, you see,” Blink said, to the delighted smiles of Pijamasaur, Zorp, Captain Novolis, Mollusc Daddy, Bopple & Flyppe, “It’s as easy as the violin! All you have to do is Push to Win!”

How to Play

  • Press the button as instructed
  • When playing with friends, share the link to invite others


Collect 10.000 Points
0 /10000

Collect a total of 10.000 points across all your Push To Win Matches

Collect 25.000 Points
0 /25000

Collect a total of 25.000 points across all your Push To Win Matches

Collect 40.000 Points
0 /40000

Collect a total of 40.000 points across all your Push To Win Matches

Reach 600 Points
0 /1

Reach 600 points in a match of Push to Win

Reach 1000 Points
0 /1

Reach 1000 points in a match of Push to Win

Reach 2000 Points
0 /1

Reach 2000 points in a match of Push to Win


